Data encryption standard cipher block chaining packet encryption 数据加密标准密码分组链接分组加密
Cipher block chaining mode is the default cipher mode for xml encryption 密码块链接( cbc )模式是xml加密的默认密码模式。
The cipher block chaining 密码块链(
Cipher block chaining ; a process whereby a plain text block is xored with the previous cipher text block before being encrypted 密码分组链接( cipher block chaining ) ;在加密明文块前将它与以前的密文块进行xor运算的过程。
Class use a chaining mode called cipher block chaining , which requires a key and an initialization vector to perform cryptographic transformations on data 类派生的类使用一种称为密码块链接( cbc )的链接模式,该链接模式需要密钥和初始化向量才能执行数据的加密转换。
The block cipher classes provided in the base class library use a chaining mode called cipher block chaining , which uses a key and an initialization vector to perform cryptographic transformations on data 基类库中提供的块密码类使用称作密码块链( cbc )的链模式,它使用一个密钥和一个初始化向量( iv )对数据执行加密转换。